6 surprising things forbidden in Germany 

It’s no secret that Germans love rules. But some surprising things can get you into trouble here. Don’t worry – Rachel is here to keep you on the right side of the law!

YouTube comments:

“An important German law that most countries don’t have is Unterlassene Hilfeleistung or duty to rescue. If you see someone in trouble who needs help, you must, by law, try to help them. Example: If you see an accident on the roadside where someone is injured. You must stop, call an ambulance and apply first aid till help arrives. Just driving by is an offence.”

“That’s really true about the insults. A friend of mine had a rather aggressive elderly neighbor who lived below him. My buddy was only allowed to move around the apartment as quietly as possible or he would receive a hail of complaints. One day his parents were visiting and the neighbor rang the doorbell and complained about “noise”, yelled abusive words and made insulting gestures. His father filed a complaint (there were enough witnesses) and the neighbor ended up in court – as it turned out later, not for the first time. He had to pay €900. Since then, the neighbor never yelled again against him.”

“Most of these laws are actually quite useful even if they sound petty. Anyone who has tried calling the police in the UK complaining about noise and has been told you will have to contact the council will agree. There is a little known minor breach of the law (Ordungswidrigkeit) in Germany titled “Unnützes Hin- und Herfahren” (unnecessary driving around). You can be fined up to €100 if you are caught driving around for no apparent reason in a built-up area if this is disturbing people. It sounds ridiculous but it stops all those eejits who drive up and down the road with music blasting out of their cars.”