Americans link the personal with the professional. Feedback addresses primarily performance, but takes into consideration how it will be received. Feedback on one’s work is feedback on that individual. It is by its very nature personal. Examples
Americans see themselves as positive thinkers, motivators, self-motivators. They seek out reasons to praise. In fact, praise is most instrumental when an individual or entire team is struggling, experiencing defeat and self-doubt. Examples
Americans focus less on reducing errors, more on reinforcing what leads to good results. When giving feedback Americans concentrate on strengths. Critique is communicated in a carefully worded way. Examples
Sensitive feedback discussions in the U.S. business context are almost always done in one-to-one talks. Discretion is highly important, especially when the feedback is negative. There is very low tolerance for open criticism of colleagues in the presence of the team. Examples
Feedback scores are most effective when they are accurate and realistic enough, but also motivating. When in doubt, Americans are inflationary. The school grading system is: A is excellent; B is very good; C is good; D is unsatisfactory; F is failure. Examples