Success Factor
If surveyed Germans would rank internal processes﹣how the work is done﹣just after people as the most critical success factor. However, often it seems that people serve processes more than processes serve people. Examples
Deductive vs. Inductive
Deductive thinking is by inference. The conclusion about particulars follows necessarily from general or universal premises. German processes are arrived at more deductively, based on standards and norms. Examples
Guaranty vs. Tool
For Germans the product, and the processes which lead to that product, are two sides of the same coin. A work result – a product or service﹣is only as good as the processes which led to it. Good processes guaranty good results. Examples
Discipline vs. Deviation
Processes are most effective when they maintain a balance between discipline and deviation. Germans prefer generally formulated processes allowing for interpretation based on the parameters of a specific situation. Examples
Process as Power
If processes make up the manual governing the inner workings of a company, whoever writes that manual determines how the work is done. This is especially the case in complex industrial sectors where processes are essential. Germans strive to have the say about processes. Examples