
Strategy and Tactics

Americans﹣those leading as well as those being led﹣prefer specifically formulated, command oriented tasks. The command addresses both the what, and to some degree the how. Overall responsibility for the how is shared by both levels. Patterns

Strategy Formulation

Americans believe that important decisions should be made by the team lead. Ideally with input from key members of the team. Once made, those decisions are best implemented when communicated and understood by the entire team. Patterns

Strategy Modification

The line between those who make decisions and are responsible for their outcomes, and those who carry out those decisions, is drawn very distinctly in the American context. Decisions which cannot work or would damage overall efforts are communicated up the chain of command by those working on the tactical level. There is very low tolerance for modifying decisions. Patterns

Lines of Communication

Because Americans﹣those leading as well as those being led﹣prefer specific, command oriented tasks (both what and how), it follows that team leads will maintain shorter lines of communication with their team members: more interaction, more frequent status meetings, more iterations on tactical issues. Patterns