

For Americans conflicts of interest are a fact of life. Escalation is often not only necessary, the individual has a fundamental right to seek resolution, to “have their day in court.” Escalation is always an option. Examples


Americans expect a hearing. The conflict parties, in the presence of each other, make their case. Self-defense is only possible when one knows what the other side is accusing them of. Examples


When resolving a conflict American managers see themselves more as judge than mediator. They considers both objective facts and subjective witness testimony. Examples


Americans become impatient if too much time is required to resolve a conflict. Festering conflicts are disruptive for any team. A suboptimal, yet prompt resolution, is often better than an optimal, but late one. Examples


In the U.S. a true and lasting resolution is attainable only when a clear decision is made. Americans don’t have of a problem with one party winning and the other losing. “You win some, you lose some.” Examples