The quiet guy in the basement

Tom Scholz. MIT graduate. Engineer. Focused on his craft. Uninterested in money or fame or music labels. Taught himself how to play the electrical guitar. Scholz. An American. Of German descent.

YouTube comments:

“I was 16 and (fortunately) working at a local record store on release day for the first album. The boss / owner and I unboxed all the new releases and put them on the hit wall before opening. We maybe got 30 copies. I thought the cover was pretty intriguing so cracked the album for some in store play. We stopped what we were doing and listened to the whole album play through just looking at each other in amazement. Still remember what he said: “Every damn song is a hit.” He placed an order for at least 60 more before we even opened the store. The album stayed in play all day and …every customer that came in that morning bought a copy. Never saw anything like it, before or since.”

“I’m 61 and remember hearing “More Than a Feeling” sitting in the back seat of our station wagon while heading to Atlanta from my home in south Georgia. When we got back home a few days later, I gathered my savings from working in the fields and caught a ride with my sister to a local record store. I bought the album and still have it to this day. I was floored after putting it on my dad’s big stereo. I read the back cover over and over as I re-played the album several times straight through some massive earphones. I’ll never forget that glorious day. Thanks, Tom!”

“I’m 64 and I can remember the first time I heard the debut Boston album like it was yesterday. I was 16, in another town playing hockey. My buddy were walking around and saw a cool looking long haired dude setting up 4 house speakers on his lawn. More Than a Feeling started and I was mesmerized. The sound, the guitars, were like nothing I had ever heard. Still get goosebumps from this record. A true masterpiece from a Master.”

“A good friend of mine met Tom when they came through Spokane in ’77 or ’78. My friend was working as a bellhop/waiter at the new Sheraton hotel, Boston was in town for a concert. My buddy knew they were staying at the hotel, and when he delivered room service up to Tom’s room, he brought his copy of that first Boston album up to the room with him. Got all the signatures (as I recall) on the album. I was jealous a bit, but happy for him.”

Germany the world’s most innovative economy

October 2018. Germany is currently in the driving seat when it comes to innovation – thanks in part to the speed it’s developing new technologies like driverless cars.

In the World Economic Forum’s latest Global Competitiveness Report, Germany came top as the world’s most innovative economy, with a score of 87.5 out of 100 in the Innovation capability pillar – one of the 12 drivers of a country’s productivity.

German homes

Deutsche Welle – What sets German homes apart? That’s what Rachel want to find out for this week’s Meet the Germans. From cake forks to tiny homes and BYO kitchens – join her for a snoop around a typical German home.

Rachel moved from the UK to Germany in 2016. As a relative newcomer she casts a fresh eye over German clichés and shares her experiences of settling into German life. Every two weeks she explores a new topic – from unusual bans to meaty cuisine or haunted castles. This week: come on in and make yourself at home with the Germans.

At 0:24 unfortunately a small error has crept in. This house is the famous Rietveld Schröder House and is located in Utrecht in the Netherlands and not in Germany. Sorry for that.

Ten Principles of Design – Dieter Rams

Innovative. Useful. Aesthetic. Understandable. Honest. Unobtrusive. Long lasting. Consequent to the last detail. Environmentally friendly. As little as possible.

“Konsequent bis ins letzte Detail.” Translated as thorough down to the last detail. That’s a lousy translation. Rams says literally consequent/consistent to the last detail. Meaning, integrated in each and every aspect.

Dieter Rams – German Design

As head of design at Braun, the German consumer electronics manufacturer, Dieter Rams (born 1932) emerged as one of the most influential industrial designers of the late 20th century by defining an elegant, legible, yet rigorous visual language for its products.

Rams had Ten Principles of Good Design: Innovative. Usable. Aesthetic. Understandable. Discreet. Honest. Durable. Consistent to the last detail. Environmental. Minimalistic.

More Dieter Rams

Product designer Dieter Rams became famous in the 20th century for his household products. Rams’ credo: “less is more” was a garantee for success. And some fifty years ago he came up with his 10 principles of good design. These guidelines remain valid even to this day.

See Dieter Rams’ famous Schneewittchensarg, in English Snow White’s Coffin. designed when he Rams was only 24 year old, and on the market in 1954. The Schneewittchensarg was considered a revolutionary in design.

A Critique of Dieter Rams

“Dieter Rams is one of the most influential industrial designers to ever live. Even if you don’t know who he is, you probably use products that were inspired by his thinking everyday. He wrote the Ten Principles for Good Design, and they’re basically like the design bible. Designers must never question them. So that’s exactly what we’re going to do now.”

German bread, again

The Germans are extremely proud of their bread culture – and pretty scathing about bread from most other countries (don’t get them started on Toastbrot.) Since moving to Germany, Rachel has discovered the delights of fresh German bread from the local bakery.

But there’s still one thing getting between her and a bag of crusty bread rolls. Rachel moved from the UK to Germany in 2016. Back then, as a relative newcomer she casts a fresh eye over German clichés and shares her experiences of settling into German life. Every two weeks she explores a new topic – from unusual bans to meaty cuisine or haunted castles. This week: bread.

German bread

What do most Germans miss when they are abroad? Their bread! Hannah Hummel at Deutsche Welle explains why people in Germany are so crazy about it, how Germany developed such a huge bread diversity and why so many bakeries are under threat nowadays.

Her German father baked bread for the family in Scotland. It is very common for Germans living outside of Germany to bake their own bread.

Wüsthof knives

The state-of-the-art production facilities of Wusthof in Solingen: From the Design and Engineering Department, Forging, Tempering, Grinding and polishing, Etching, Sharpening and Quality control to Packing and Warehouse. Quality – made in Germany/Solingen.

YouTube comments:

“I’ve got a complete 20 years old set of the classic line from my father three years ago. The Knifes are still sharp and I love them all. I think, twenty years later they will be a nice present to my children.”

“I have an old chefs knife that is simply amazing. It holds and edge forever but can be resharpened with just a few strokes with a diamond hone. Thanks, Wusthof family!”

“I have a set of those knives over 30 years and no problems with them!!”

“I have purchased two sets of these knives. To say the least they are the last knives you’ll ever have in your kitchen. Like anything they will last a lifetime given the proper care. My set has white handles and I haven’t seen any other set of knives with white handles.”

“I have a 1st World War Mauser bayonet made by Solingen from 1917. Nice to see you guys in business after all that time and history.”