Germans are direct. They say what they mean. And they mean what they say. Germans don’t use euphemisms to soften a message. They use unambiguous language and get to the point. Germans consider directness to be honest, transparent, efficient. Patterns
United States
Americans approach sensitive work topics cautiously. Euphemisms communicate uncomfortable messages. Ambiguity can be helpful. Indirect communication is considered to be both polite and effective. Patterns
Work vs. Person
Germans separate the professional from the personal. Work colleagues can disagree, even argue, about the substance of an issue. This, however, does not have a negative effect on their working relationship. Patterns
United States
Americans connect the professional with the personal. Statements made about a proposal, a concept, or work results are by definition statements about that person’s competence, experience, and skills. Patterns
Small Talk
In the German business context small talk is short in duration. Germans transition quickly to issues of substance. They see little value in talking about the weather, sports or their most recent vacation. Patterns
United States
In the U.S. small talk is essential. It gets communication going. Small talk allows people to get a sense for the overall atmosphere. Americans seldom jump directly into subject matter. Business is personal. Patterns
Controversial Topics
Germans are intelligent and well-informed. They seek out topics which lead to lively debate. And since this means a difference of opinions, Germans often choose controversial topics. Patterns
United States
Americans avoid any tension which could damage a personal or working relationship. They seek out commonalities, look for reasons to connect, not separate. It’s difficult to argue about the weather. Patterns
Unsolicited Advice
Germans give unsolicited advice. Usually it is criticism. In most cases the criticism is accurate and helpful. Some Germans simply want to show that they know better. Most Germans just want to be helpful. Patterns
United States
Americans seldom give colleagues unsolicited advice. Even then, depending on how sensitive the topic is, they will communicate their advice in carefully worded language. Patterns