Workshop Breakout I

Systematic thinking is one of the strongest of German character traits. It‘s a red thread woven in and through all of the topics CI addresses. I think of the many Germans in my seminars and workshops. I observe their tendency time and again. I separate the Americans and the Germans

Workshop Breakout II

Back to our breakout groups in the workshop. Americans very seldom discuss the deeper meaning of a decision to be made. If, however, such a discussion does take place then it‘s focused on the purpose of the decision, on whom it serves and how. Nor do Americans spend much time

Decision-Making Philosophy

Is it even possible to translate into English the German word Entscheidungsverständnis? Decision making philosophy, is what most Americans would say. But, that’s puffy, cloudy. Americans us the term ‘philosophy’ often to mean ‘way of thinking’. Literal, and more exact, would be ‘understanding of the decision to be made’, from

“It takes all kinds of people”

The topic is process, or process philosophy. What role does time play? Do Germans and Americans have the same understanding of long- , mid- and short-term? A rhetorical question. No need to think long about it. The differences are obvious in so many areas. Wasn‘t it Herr Wiedeking, the Vorstandsvorsitzender

Cars and Chickens

The American people have always benefitted from a very generous supply of natural resources. The United States in its over two-hundred year history has never known scarcity of resources. It is a land of abundance. And its economic history is one of constant growth. Generations of immigrants were welcomed to

Verzicht. Small skies.

I reflect, try to imagine how it was back then. It is 1944. My mother is fourteen years old. No father at home. Killed in an automobile accident in 1938. My grandmother at the time with seven small children. The oldest was nine. The youngest an infant. My grandmother carrying

My fictitious German grandmother

MerriamWebster online defines ‘to decide’ as: to make a final choice or judgment; to select as a course of action; to infer on the basis of evidence, to conclude; to bring to a definitive end; to induce to come to a choice. I have always been of the opinion that

Jack missed the point

“But wait, if it is true that German decision making processes strive to save resources – time, budgets, material, manpower – why do the Germans have compared to us (Americans) far more employees for the same work?” This is a question often posed. Takeovers, mergers, joint ventures, cross-Atlantic projects. So

Freie Universität and Fragestellung

Frage, question. Stellung from the verb stellen, to put or place. Fragestellung. It was 1990. I was a graduate student at the Freie Universität in Berlin, then West Berlin. The Wall still existed. As did West and East Germany, the Soviet Union, and many other places, people and things which

No Limes. No Irmensul.

Americans are, indeed, a young and often impatient people. But not all that young, for they are descendents primarily of Europeans. And the Americans of German descent are the largest ethnic group in the U.S., when separating out the British, Scottish and Irish. In other words, an American, especially an